PHP-Xite   Stability & Reliability

PHP-Xite CMS nearing Completion

Uhm, it's not actually finished (well, I'm a perfectionist so when I say that I mean it's not *ready*) However if one of you little developers out ther is interested then I recommend e-mailing me and who knows, maybe you'll be lucky enough to get the source code. As she stands, PHP-Xite has probably the best security and user permissions system out there although I can't say for sure as I haven't looked at others (mind that if someone is already using it I'll be a tad annoyed).
she's retard-proof and and people who are sloppy with security won't easily mess it up, providing they're using the ready-available DB Abstraction layer available from the engine script. I desperately need some decent designers as I would like it released ASAP but I guess that won't be happening till way after we get a big enough user base. The rather crap layout you see here you'll be pleased to know won't be featured in the Fish_42 theme that is distributed as default, oh and one more thing ; if anybody knows how to get Dreamweaver MX 2004 to operate under Linux, I'll be most grateful to have the details.

PHP-Xite, First Post to be Made

Hello and Welcome to the PHP-Xite project, Hopes are that we will have a fully-fledged CMS available for free, to the public. Currently we are busy recruiting but after we have a few more designers helping us, the project will start, when we feel we are ready to begin development, tasks will be listed in the project pago would like to offer it.
You may click the Sourceforge link below and use the site to offer help or contact Olipro At GTA Logo